『文化をあるく Walk Within & Beyond Cultures-多言語講読・文化トピック(原 稿集) The original scripts for WWBC DVDs No. 1-10』(2019)
WWBC Committee Members 2018
「外国語教育の複合的な方向性について:『文化をあるく( Walk Within & Beyond Cultures: WWBC)』 プロジェクトの余滴として」
KUFS SELL 34, 2017(T. Kubo)“Notes on ‘multi-disciplinary’ approaches to second language learning and teaching: an outcome of Walk Within & Beyond Cultures (WWBC) Project” (Paradigm shifts in SLA since 1940’s and on to “constructivism since 80’s” are reviewed to outline issues related to the WWBC Project’s principles (2012-2018), written in Japanese 日本語)
Contributions to Janet M. Bennett (ed.) The SEGA Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence
SEGA Reference 2015, Los Angeles (Jeff Berglund)
“ Walk Within & Beyond Cultures (WWBC Project)” in the 2014 UNESCO International Conference in New York
MUSA No. 22 2015:3 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies (KUFS)
Written document of the presentation with PowerPoint screens featuring its mission statement and principles of the WWBC project given at the Conference, New York, March 7th, 2014 (Co-authors T. Kubo, C. Smith, H. Yanagida, J. Berglund)
“Development and use of an EFL reading practice application for android tablet computer”
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning 6 (3), December 2014 (Craig Smith)
An Alternative Approach to Second Language Education -through Multi-Lingual Video Production
COSMICA XLIII 2014:1 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies (WWBC co-authors)
Paper available here.
Estudo de língua estrangeira e as Novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação –– videoconferência no âmbito do ensino à distância ––
(Foreign Language Study and ICT – Information and Communications Technology – videoconference in distance learning )
BULLETIN OF THE KYOTO UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES LXXXII 2014:1 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies (Pedro Aires, Shiro Iyanaga)
Paper available here (in Portuguese).
(Receiving Japanese, Connecting Japanese: Let’s Tell the World about the Power of receptivity)
Shupan Geijyutsu 2011 (Jeff Berglund)
Nippon-karano Bunka-Ryoku
(The Power of Culture from Japan)
Gedai-shokan 2003 (Jeff Berglund)